Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The China in him.

Going #1.

Now you don't ever have to wonder how people in China use a Western Potty again.

In Western restaurants in China, there would be signs saying:
"No STANDING on the toilet!"
Yet, there'd always be muddy footprints on the seat.

He's had some really random potty moves lately. 
-Knees on the seat. A pseudo man-stand, if you will. (Great b/c pants and shoes stay on.)
-Backwards. (Hilarious on the little potty)
-One knee down and one foot on.  Like he was too lazy to turn and sit.  (Quick, time- efficient.)

OH and I have to share...

We were invited to dinner with our neighbors also named Johnny and Sarah.  They are expecting their first child.  None yet.

We brought Carter.

We were eating in their dining room, like civilized human beings.
Carter farted, on purpose, and laughed for like five minutes during dinner.
(I'm going to go ahead and blame this on China too.)