Monday, July 1, 2013

10 Months

I can hardly believe it's been 10 months since you've joined our family!  I can't even begin to tell you the wonderful, joyful, spunky blessing you are to us!  Your fiery personality brings so much fun and laughter to us daily!   

9-12 month clothing

You are on a roll these days!!
Corbin is in bed around 8pm and awakes at 8am.  He wakes twice to nurse.  He's on 2 naps around 10:30 and 3:00.

He's still nursing, usually just 3x during the day and twice at night.  3 real meals.  He seems to be handling dairy just fine!  Whoop!  His FAVORITE food is strawberries!

Corbin is super fast at crawling now!  He's on all fours and can pull up to standing so quick.  He's getting very sturdy.  We've even had a few standing seconds.  But they are so brief.  He loves climbing the stairs and we spend lots of time practicing every day!  When I tell him "Turn around"  to get him to go on his belly, feet first to go down safely he plops flat on his belly...I then have to swing his legs around.  

In came 5 more teeth this month.  5.  FIVE.  Whew!  You've finally caught a break in the sleep department after these bad boys arrived.  You may have a bit of separation anxiety right now.  While I was working out (in the same space as you) and another lady was holding you...FREAK OUT!  She got scared.  I was not allowed to put you down for the rest of the time. (Love you too.)

He is VERY obsessed with Carter's toothbrushes.  If we happen to see them he will scream so loud until I give it to him.  The other day I was brushing Carter's teeth and Corbin was screaming and crying in a way as if I was hurting his feelings by not sharing with him.  He was grabbing at it in hysterics.  Poor guy.  "WHY are you doing this to me MOM?!  You're being mean!!!"

You LOVE your Daddy!!  You love Mommy too but when Daddy walks in those doors, he better be ready for you to jump on his hip for the rest of the evening.  Until it's bedtime, of course, then you demand me.  You really know what and who you want, when you want them!  Very decisive, thank goodness, we need help in that area!

I think about writing this one down every month but forget....when I rock you for naps or night time you have a little routine of being so still then curling up into a ball.  The ball is not a really comfortable position for me to hold you, but I've gotten really good at it.  You are sitting on my left arm like a birdie on a perch and you curl your back and hide your head down toward my belly.  (Just like you were in my belly!!!)  I like to smell and kiss your head when you are like that.  You stay curled up for a bit then lay back flat.

Corbin, I never believed I could love you as much as I do.  It's crazy!  You are an amazing and super special piece to our family!  I love you Corbinelly!

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine that scream!!!! Ha! I can't wait to see him!!! He has changed so much!
