Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring Time Schedule

Snow is melting and temperatures have been in the 40-50's!  It's amazing!

We've been super busy these days with bootcamp/playgroup MWF, preschool T TH, Little Athletes Class M, ski lessons Sat, church Sun.  By "we" in that previous sentence I mostly mean Carter. In order to get out of the house and socialize here you kind of have to have a serious schedule.  We're getting closer to just being able to head to playgrounds, bike rides though and have lots of unstructured play outside.  Yay!

Fitness with Kids:  Bootcamp/playgroup.  This is my therapy.  It's one hard hour of working out while the kids play with a babysitter on the volleyball court next to us.  I love it and have made some friends here.  Carter loves it, he literally says "YAY!"  When I tell him we are going to exercise today.

Preschool:  I like his school here.  But man, having a mom who is the director of an AMAZING preschool, makes your standards pretty high.  I am a bit snobby in my head about the preschools here.  I just have to remind myself that he's building relationships and playing in a hands on learning environment.  His teacher is great!  I just am not a fan of the "crafts" they do.  Even using the word "craft" is not really supposed to be used in my mind.  See??  Snobby.  Also, I feel there should always be a tiny circle time where lesson is directly focused with a story and little discussion.  BUT really, that is from me teaching older grades and the fact that if they don't get around to it because the kids are totally engaged in centers is really appropriate.  So basically, I'm learning to let go, because he loves it.

Little Athletes:  This is a class we attend with a few of the neighbors including my former OB.  Yes, did I mention we are friends?  Kind of crazy, right? And now she is on maternity leave!  Yay!  The kids play a different sport each week.  Carter LOVES it!  There are a few games thrown in keep up with their attention span.  So the teacher will randomly play duck duck goose, or tag, etc.  Carter usually plays two rounds and then asks "Can we play (hockey, basketball, soccer) now??"

Ski Lessons:  Carter has been the youngest in his group by far.  A year at this age is a big difference!  We attempted lessons in January.  But it was so cold and there was no sun.  Poor guy was SO overwhelmed and miserable. So we decided to call it quits and wait for the next round.  He finished up this past Saturday!  It was awesome!  He loves it!  The final day they went up a normal bunny slope.  Previous to this it was smaller practice runs.  He totally got stage fright.  First of all, at this point there was one instructor assigned specifically to him.  And he was supposed to be snowplowing side to side. He had never done side to side before...and he wasn't going to do it now.  He and the instructor stood at a stand still for 20 minutes halfway down the hill.  In the car on the way home I asked him which was his favorite hill.  He said the little one.  Ha!  I could tell.  We're going again this weekend!  I think this may be the last ski of the season.

Sorry my blog posts haven't been very consistent or good lately.  I barely get moments to do anything productive around here.  So here is my attempt to jot down things I don't want to forget!

1 comment:

  1. I love that he's getting a chance to learn to ski...that's a little tough to do here in TX!
