Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bilingual? Pretty Cool. (20 Months)

I better write this down, so I don't forget:

Carter busted out with "qi che....dus....qi che"

Not excited?

Okay, so pretty much no one can understand that.  Right?

I speak Carter, let me translate:

qi che = "bus" in Chinese
dus = "bus" in Carter English


It's not like we speak Chinese anymore.  But maybe we should?!

He has been obsessed with transportation for several months now.  Our old driver, Mr. Dong, used to chime in as both, he and Carter, were learning English.  Carter would get so excited and point at a bus, I would then say "bus."  Mr. Dong would say "Bus, qi che."

So I started doing the same.  "bus, qi che"

Well apparently it's been in Carter's brain, like a steel trap, and just decided to sneak out!

Now every morning when I go to get him our conversation goes like this:

Carter:  Dada?
Me:  Dada is at work.
Carter: Dus, Qi Che?
Me:  Yes, Dada went to work on the bus.
Carter then flaps his arms in the signal he created for the song, The Wheels on the Bus.
Me:  The wheels on the (insert "bus" or "qi che") go round and round.

He also chooses randomly (I think) which word to use when he sees them on the road!!

This is crazy to me!

You know, honestly, he did the same thing with sign language.

I tried to teach him baby sign language when he was about 6 months.  But he never responded...so I got lazy and stopped.  BUT out of nowhere, 6 months later, he busted out with the signs for "more" and  "all done" and hasn't stopped!!

Lesson learned?

Keep doing these things!!  They ARE getting them!!  Even if they can't do them yet!


Here are a few simple Chinese (mandarin) words if you want to try:

Bus: Qi Che...First word, sounds like, your hair straightener, Chi. Second, sounds like Church, minus the -rch.  So it will sound like Chi Chu.

Hi:  Ni Hao...First word, sounds like,  Knee.  Second word, sounds like, How.
  So it will sound like you are saying Knee How.

Thank you:  Xie Xie...First (and second) word, sounds like, She.  So it will sound like She She.

Try it out!!


  1. This is awesome!! Way to go multi-lingual Carter. We are just starting sign language with Tully. Maybe we'll throw a little Spanish in there too?? Oh, and Tully got to see his first buses in DC this past week. The kid was OBSESSED. Must be a boy thing.

  2. HA ha! Thanks Ashley!

    I'm sure that is where his Chinese ends...but it was pretty shocking! And funny.

    Totally throw some Spanish in there! You will be shocked as well!!

    AND...look out with the busses and trucks! What is it? And he is STILL obsessed. I guess it last a long time. Ha ha. So cute with Tully!! That sweet boy!
