Monday, September 26, 2011

Thank you & Post Updates

Thank you to everyone who has been writing us messages.

It helps, more than you would know.

It helps us for people to acknowledge that we lost a son, that he was real, important and loved.

Thank you for the prayers.

I'm surprised that people say they are given hope, or peace by our story.  Because it is a sad story.  But the hope or peace you may feel isn't from our sad story but through God, who is somehow speaking to you.  The only way we know this is because he is using so many people to speak to us right now, and give us hope or peace from this sad time.

I don't want to turn our blog into something gruesome or depressing.  In fact, I'm about to upload a ton of pictures of Carter to go under this post...but I have been writing down some thoughts about what we are going through.  Don't feel that you HAVE to read them.  Feel free to read or to skip on to your picture viewing pleasure.  Hope you don't mind.  Who knows, maybe our thoughts could help someone.  Or you could just think we are strange.  OR later, I may reread these and be embarrassed to have shared something so personal and delete it, but for now it's there, for all to see.

So below this message should be:

  • Carter at 20 Months
  • two recents posts on Baby McCoy 2...posted in order they were written.

Thank you for your support and prayers!

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