Sunday, May 29, 2011

And we're done...

with 2 naps, that is.

It is official this time, I promise. And I promise not to write any more posts on this.

He has been on 1 nap for two weeks. Shortly after I posted the last update and the coffee incident we learned that on days with 2 naps he was up WILDLY until midnight or 1 am. Yes. It was horrible. While midnight used to be no big deal, it is horrible for these days! Ha! Makes me feel old!!

So I think the coffee he discovered while scrounging the trash and the late night weren't related. I think it was that the two naps recharged him for another large chunk of time. I wasn't in a hurry for him to drop the nap, in fact, I was trying to give his body time to do what it needed to do. Well, his body apparently needed to be awake more during the day! I'm pretty sure those wild nights were his body slapping me in the face, saying "Look lady, I can play now or in the day, but you need to lead the way!"

Long story short, he hasn't had 2 naps in 2 weeks! And his night sleeping has gone back to normal! Woo Hoo!!! (It wasn't easy on him, or me, that is for sure.)

Also, the nap is growing!! As I'm typing we are at 2.5 hours!

Days are so fun!! We've been play-dating like crazy all over this city! There is even one play group that is 45 minutes away by metro. Carter metros like a champ eating his breakfast, reading books and talking to everyone on there. I didn't think I could navigate up and down so many stairs with a big huge pram but, where there is a will there is a way!

It is awesome!!!

The end of this topic. I swear.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Carter! I look forward to the glorious days of 2.5 hr naps!
