Monday, May 9, 2011

2nd Mother's Day

I had a FABULOUS Mother's Day!
Thank you so much to my sweet boys.

Mother's Day is a lot like "McCoy Surprise Day." It isn't too different from most weekends but the suspense makes it so much fun!! Here is a run down on the fun:

TONS of roses.
12 dozen to be exact!

  • A 2 hour foot massage and pedicure. Pedicures here are amazing. They seriously scrape all of the thick hard skin off of your feet. Not sand it down...scrape it off. I LOVE it. Smooth as a baby's bottom.
  • Out to dinner! We went to Himalaya's a really cool Indian Restaurant! (We are a bit addicted to Indian at the moment.) You know going out, with a 15 month old, is a big deal! C did great, he just loved all of the brightly colored pillows you sit on! Ha ha. We felt really cool eating out, in town!!
I can't believe we are on our 2nd round of Family Holidays all ready. Of course, you know me, it makes me reflect-ful....

As our little man has been extra clingy to me (as he's been for the past week) he wants hugs all of the time. I just feel so spoiled! I couldn't imagine loving him any more with out exploding. Seriously! I'm obsessed with him!

I was brushing my teeth and he asked for a hug. So as I was holding him in front of the mirror, I was looking at this big, long, boy wearing his big, boy clothes who I was holding in my arms and couldn't help to think back to this exact moment:

I love him even more now than I ever would have known back in this picture.
(And I didn't think it was possible back then!)

Then I also thought of this moment:

and how I had really hoped for a girl.

God really knows how to make plans for you, doesn't he!

These little thoughts gave another little boost to my faith in God's plans. He is the best life-planner, that is for sure. I couldn't imagine my life any other way!

Thank you John and Carter for a wonderful Mother's Day!

I feel so blessed every day.

I love you both so much!


  1. Happy belated Mother's Day! I was just telling my husband yesterday how I had really hoped for a girl too, but now can't imagine ever feeling that way :) Boys are the best!

  2. His little naked butt is too cute!

  3. Thank you girls! Boys are so fun, that is for sure. I'd be happy with all boys!!!

    I love his butt...poor kiddo is cursed with a plumbers crack. HA!
