Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Corbin's 1 Year Post

How have we gone from this...

to this:

(I say, as I'm typing this almost 2 months later.)

Corbin actually turned ONE in Texas!

So we celebrated at the/a lake after Uncle Scott and Aunt Amy's wedding!


Opening presents with his boy cousins!

And we celebrated with Nana and Ba at their new FARM!!

Face Down!


And we celebrated here in Canada!!

And Last, but not least, here are the OFFICIAL 1 Year Old Photos:

Oops, wrong baby!! ;)

What a year it's been!!!

What an amazing blessing this little man is to our family!  

This spunky guy surprises us daily!!  His willingness to communicate is CRAZY!!!  (I'm writing this at almost 14 months.)  

He says: 
"go go" when he wants you to get moving!!
"caga" Carter
"baba" baby
shakes head "yes"
shakes head "no"
gives kisses
gives hugs
gives hi fives
makes fish sounds
makes food sound (same as fish) (popping lips)
grabs your face to communicate

He will use every ounce of his being to communicate something to you.  A clap with a scream and a point perhaps?  Or a grunt, grab your face and point??  He will figure out a way to get his point across.

When he's upset he will let you know and he's NOT faking it, he's feeling it, with real tears.  The boy is sensitive.

First words, see above!
Walking!  He's been taking steps for about a month now!!  But prefers to crawl!

Everything or Nothing.  His decision.  Man, picky eater!
Loves (today) guacamole, crackers, yogurt with chia seeds (gotta get that protein in there somehow).  HATES meat.

1 nap!!  WOO hoo!!  Life is so much more simple!
Wakes 1-2x to nurse.  (Judge away!)
He HAS slept through the night 2 times.
Goes to bed SO easily now!  Nurse, cuddle, see ya later!  All that hard work has paid off!!  Praise.the.Lord!

I have to say, the old saying "don't decide the size of your family off of that 1st year of life, but rather on the size of family you want around your dining room table" really resonates in my head.  It was a tough but AWESOME, adorable, cuddly, FUN, loving year.  Time for another!  (just want to see if John reads this. ;)  

Corbin I love you more than you can imagine!  I've LOVED getting to know you this year! You've exceeded all of our expectations and I couldn't have imagined a better addition to our family!  You are such a gift from God and I'm so glad you are mine!!  I LOVE you so much my little bug!!!!

Happy 1 YEAR OLD!!


  1. Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!! Love him and all of y'all!! And we'll be judged on the same things. Lol. Keep on rockin' it out!!
