Monday, May 21, 2012

First Band-Aids

While he's had Butterfly Stitches in Thailand:

Chipped his teeth and busted lips uncountable amount of times,

these are his first Band Aids:

(Right knee.)

Remember he's been bundled in fall, winter and spring clothes until now.  

Shorts will do that to ya!

He was running out of the coffee shop on me.  And BAM, on the concrete, flat in front of the coffee al fresco drinkers.  

Thankfully, he had Band Aids to look forward to all the way home.  He was pretty excited.  But they had to come off immediately when he realized he had to poop.  So they lasted 3 minutes.

But thankfully, he says his "red boo boo is so so cute" and it's "so so nice to Car ker" which is the new way he says his name.  "Caga" is soooo two weeks ago.

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