I like to think it is because they are in awe of my beauty. Or think I am a celebrity. (kidding) In reality, I'm sure it is just because they think I look weird with my bright orange hair!
Well, on our recent trip to Shanghai. John was hit by the paparazzi. We thought this grown man was offering to take a picture of Carter and Daddy on his first train ride. NOPE. He wanted a picture with John all for himself.
Take a look at how awkward this photo is! (they always are.)
Do you get close? Do you put your arm around their shoulder? Throw the piece sign up? Or just keep them by your side?
John was a good sport and the two became fast friends. John practiced his Chinese with the man until the conversation too became awkward with this question "How much money do you make each month?"
"Not enough." Quick save John!
And I leave you with Carter. Into the baby book:
"First Train Ride!"