Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I just need to vent...

Carter has done amazing on Potty Training!  Success.  No accidents since the first two days.  Now he has a stomach bug.  Guess who is currently VERY involved in his mess?  Me.  It's constant.

This is preventing much sleep.  For either of us.  I mostly feel sorry for him though.

Next, I had emergency dental surgery yesterday.  I haven't eaten in two days, am exhausted and in pain.

Finally, our house is disgusting.

But just taking the 1 minute to vent to anyone makes me feel better.

Aaaand back upstairs...probably for another mess to scrub away.


  1. Oh no! Congrats to potty training success. So sorry about everything else.

  2. Oh sarah, yuck. I hope the bug moves on quickly and not to you!

  3. Woo hoo for potty training! Go Carter! I hope tomorrow is better for you both.

  4. Oh man, I'm so very sorry. Super congrats on the potty training though. Sending good juju your way.
