Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So Much to Blog About..

That I don't even want to! Anyone else do that!? Lazy, I know. So let me get started...

Baby News:

If you saw on Facebook, yes, we are pregnant!

Honestly, I'm just now getting excited about this.

The first time around, you are just excited. Second time around, you know what is coming and it's scary to think you will have to do it again...with a toddler. Logistically, it still freaks me out.

Also, I have a strange blood type. O-. It's the universal donor! So you know who to come to, if you need any!! :) BUT mixed with a + blood type, like John's A+, can be tricky. While I can offer my blood to anyone, I can't accept anything but O-. My body will fight it off. The same can happen if your newly created and growing baby has + blood type. My body can fight it off. Horrible, right? Horrible to know, my own body would do that. Carter is O+!! He did just fine!! But we have miscarried in the past.

I know the risk is still there, but keeping it a secret and pretending like I'm not pregnant, doesn't help our chances any more. But that is how I cope with the first trimester. I just try not to think about it, to keep my thoughts from getting too carried away. So, second trimester is here and I'm asking everyone to join us in praying for this baby.

Carter News:

He's working on 19 months! I can't believe it! He is so good, fun and funny, that I can't get enough of him!

I love seeing what he knows. He understands so much!

Some of my favorite words of his are:

Lala: water, banana, lights and cousin Ella.
Gaga: Thank you
Jeez: Jesus, cheese
Jooz: juice, shoes
Goose: Lucy
Aff: off

He's got soo many animal sounds, it blows me away!

Recently, he has been pretending...

One example of this game is "going night night." If you ever see him leaning his head over to his shoulder and he is super still, eyes still open and very excited smile, this is it. You have to say "Oh, Carter must be night night." The he pops his head up and yells "Ahhh!" And you act super surprised. Ha ha.

The other example is, I've seen him dragging his green beans on his knee going "sssssss." After a bit, I figured it out and asked him if that was a snake. Confirmed.

Biggest news yet, though, he is finally weaning! I didn't think he would do it on his own. I wanted to nurse all the way through living in China. Then I needed to wait until we were settled into our new place. So, when we first arrived, he nursed like crazy....like an infant. Big changes were going on in his life, so I'm glad I was there for the little man. Well, I'm leaving it up to him and in the past 60 hours he's nursed twice. Crazy!

If you ever have any questions about breastfeeding, feel free to ask! I had no idea what I was getting myself into when we started but I'm so happy to have made it this long! I'll keep you posted on how the weaning process goes. There isn't much information out there about letting your child lead the way. So I'll make sure to keep track!


  1. Haha I love that Jesus and cheese are the same word... I've always been a big fan of cheese myself :) Will be praying for you and baby #2!

  2. Congrats on baby #2 and sending prayers your way. I had never thought about moves/big changes and how nursing could help with that! Note to self when Tully turns a year old, and I start hearing about how he needs to wean. Nursing is good for SO many reasons. I'm impressed that you've been able to nurse during the pregnancy too. Woo hoo!

  3. Way to go Sarah! :)

    And I TOTALLY get where you are coming from with mixed emotions on baby number two! I feel so much more anxious/apprehensive about this one... I, too, thought if I just didn't say anything I wouldn't have to deal with the reality! But now I'm so thrilled and excited and scared all together! You are an amazing mommy and both your babies are lucky to have you!!

  4. Congrats Sarah!!! So happy for you!
