Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nap Update

For the sake of remembering for future reference and to hopefully help out some friends who may ask "is this normal?" I'm going to put it in writing:

Carter is STILL taking two naps.

You may remember he was down to one nap before our trip to Thailand.

Well, he didn't sleep a wink on our trip there. So on day one, he was craving two naps. I thought that once he caught up on sleep he would just back down to one. But, so far, nope.

So I guess this is what "the book" means when the transition period is long and they may jump back and forth for a while.

I know there are so many books out there to read on infant-childhood sleep. I've read quite a few. This is the one I still use and trust.

It is a bit challenging to read at first. Then when the first big change in Carter's sleep patterns happened, I freaked, and read the whole book. Now, I reread the chunks that are current to our needs.

When Carter's sleep is different, the first thing John asks is "What does the book say?"

We DEPEND on this book so much, that it usually travels with us. Just in case.

AND we refer to it as The Sleep Bible.

What I like, is that he fully explains, in Doctor talk (so beware), when and how their sleep patterns will change and develop as they grow. So I never have to freak out I did at about 4 Months Old when I was trying to keep him on an infant sleep schedule until he was out the door for college.

MYTH about this book:
Some people seem to think that this doctor recommends you let your child cry-it-out indefinitely.


He recommends many options and suggests that you choose which works for your family. (I'm thinking these people didn't read the book 99 times like me. Ha!) One of which, you run to your child immediately, pick them up, rock them, sing to them, feed them, or play with them. Okay, not really, but I seriously do STILL go straight to him. Judge away! :)

What "Baby-Raising Books" do you live by?
I seriously want to know! I can't read enough of this stuff!!


  1. We do babywise - and its worked great for Zoe.. Glad to know that Carter jumps between one and two as well.. Zoe is on a "2" week right now.. Who knows what next week will bring!

  2. We loved Happiest Baby on the Block! We aren't old enough to need much more yet, but that truly helped with the first three months more than any other book!! Oh, and I run to Jay too- and he falls right back to sleep immediately. Some babies just want to know their mommas are still there :)

  3. Love this book. Haven't made it through the whole book (still), but if there is one thing I've been pretty anal-retentive about with GB, it's sleep. Girl has gotta get it & we make sure she gets it! :) The only other resource that we use religiously is And if you "like" them on FB, you get updates all the time.

  4. Sounds like I need to add this one to the purchase list on Amazon. BTW Tully just made a peep while sleeping, and I immediately ran to the bassinet to pat his little bottom to console him. Much more noise and I would have gone into "picking up-rocking-singing-feeding-playing" mode :)
