Tuesday, November 16, 2010

10 Months Old!

Here he is again! This blog has turned into a little tribute to Carter! Ha ha! But hey, he is the biggest thing in our lives!!!

Another birthday celebrated and now only two short months from being a 1-year-old! :(

Here is the monthly photo shoot first in his normal clothes then degraded into the usual!

This is one of the two strange faces he is doing feeling his teeth with his lips.


He looks huge! AND his hairline is very noticeable in these pictures! Ha ha!

Cracking himself up! He thinks he is sooo funny! (I think so too!)

And he's done!


  1. Seriously, one of the two cutest red heads I know!

  2. OMG! He is both too cute and too handsome. Love him! Can't wait to see you guys.

  3. He is SO ADORABLE!!!!! Can't wait to smooch him up! The time is almost here!!!!! Love you guys!
